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배움: MBA, English, 운동

Ambition (야망) vs Aspiration (열망)

by Heedong-Kim 2024. 2. 14.

From Hidden Potential (by Adam Grant) 


From ChatGPT: 

Ambition refers to a strong desire to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. It often involves a specific goal or set of goals and is associated with the drive to succeed or excel in a particular area. Ambition is the engine that propels individuals to pursue achievements, often with a focus on external markers of success such as position, power, or recognition.

Aspiration, on the other hand, leans more towards the realm of hopes and desires for the future. It is more about the longing or aim for a certain state of being or accomplishment, not just for the tangible rewards but for personal fulfillment or to make a positive impact. Aspirations might be broader and more values-oriented than ambitions, focusing on the kind of person one wants to become or the contributions one wants to make to a field or society.

In a professional setting, ambition might drive a person to aim for a higher position within their organization or industry, motivated by the benefits that come with such roles. Aspiration, however, might guide an individual towards seeking roles or projects that align with their personal values or long-term visions, such as leading initiatives that drive innovation or contribute to societal well-being.

Understanding the difference between these concepts can help in aligning your career path with your personal values and goals. It's crucial to balance ambition with aspiration to ensure that your professional journey not only brings success in traditional terms but also fulfillment and a sense of purpose.


Ambition (야망): 특정 목표나 일련의 목표를 달성하려는 강렬한 욕구를 말하며, 특히 결단력과 열심히 일하는 것이 필요합니다. 야망은 개인이 특정 영역에서 성공하거나 뛰어나기 위해 추구하는 성취를 추진하는 엔진입니다. 종종 위치, 권력 또는 인식과 같은 외부적 성공 지표에 초점을 맞춥니다.

Aspiration (열망): 미래에 대한 희망과 욕구로, 특정 상태를 달성하거나 긍정적인 영향을 미치기 위한 목적 지향적인 목표를 포함합니다. 열망은 개인이 되고 싶은 사람의 종류나 사회나 특정 분야에 기여하고자 하는 바를 더 넓고 가치 지향적으로 초점을 맞춥니다.


From Copilot: 

  1. Ambition:
    • Definition: Ambition is an ardent desire for rank, fame, or power. It often drives individuals to compete, win, and evaluate themselves in comparison to others.
    • Outer Drive: Ambition is linked to external factors such as status, performance, and intellect. People fueled by ambition may be controlling, critical, or perfectionistic when their self-image is at stake.
    • Potential Pitfalls: Unhealthy ambition can lead to neglect of health, relationships, and overall quality of life. It may also drive employees to seek opportunities outside their current organization.
    • Associated with: Competition, winning, and external validation.
  2. Aspiration:
    • Definition: Aspiration is a strong desire to achieve something high or great. It is based on inner standards, values, and purpose.
    • Inner Drive: Aspiration is rooted in deeper desires and personal fulfillment. It allows individuals to leverage their true talents and passions.
    • Positive Outcomes: Aspiration often leads to more meaning, fulfillment, and magic in our lives.
    • Associated with: Self-improvement, personal growth, and contributing to something greater than oneself.


Storyline proposal: 

Title: Skyward Bound

Setting: The bustling, competitive world of aerospace and defense marketing in Asia Pacific, where innovation meets tradition, and ambitions clash with aspirations.

Protagonist: Jae-Hwan, a seasoned field marketer with a passion for aerospace technology and a dream of making a significant impact in the industry. With a background in electronic engineering and years of experience in various marketing roles, Jae-Hwan is now poised to lead a groundbreaking campaign that could redefine the future of aerospace and defense in the Asia Pacific region.


  • Act 1: The Ambition
    Jae-Hwan is tasked with spearheading a major marketing campaign aimed at introducing a revolutionary aerospace technology to the Asia Pacific market. Fueled by ambition, Jae-Hwan sets high goals for the campaign's success, envisioning it as a stepping stone to becoming a leader in the industry. However, the aggressive targets and high stakes of the campaign put Jae-Hwan under immense pressure, leading to moments of self-doubt and ethical dilemmas.
  • Act 2: The Aspiration
    As the campaign progresses, Jae-Hwan begins to reflect on the deeper motivations behind the pursuit of success. Encounters with various stakeholders, including engineers, defense personnel, and local communities, reveal the potential impact of the technology beyond commercial success. Jae-Hwan's aspiration to contribute positively to society and inspire innovation in the industry comes to the forefront, reshaping the approach to the campaign.
  • Act 3: The Alignment
    Faced with challenges that test both personal values and professional ambitions, Jae-Hwan seeks a way to align the two. This journey leads to innovative marketing strategies that emphasize the technology's benefits to society, national security, and environmental sustainability. By focusing on meaningful collaborations and transparent communication, Jae-Hwan not only achieves the campaign's commercial goals but also garners respect and admiration for the ethical and visionary approach.
  • Epilogue: The Impact
    The campaign becomes a case study in how ambition and aspiration can coexist and reinforce each other, setting a new standard in the industry. Jae-Hwan emerges not just as a successful marketer but as a thought leader advocating for responsible innovation and ethical marketing practices. The experience paves the way for future campaigns that balance commercial success with positive societal impact, inspiring others in the industry to follow suit.